"Think globally, act locally "

This is the purpose of a translation. The reader of your documentation must feel that your offices or factories are two blocks away from their home and that you can speak their language.

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Technical documents translation

The translation of technical documents is the core of the DAT business. It is also the area where DAT has accumulated most of its competitive edge: skills, experience, human resources and assets, represented by hundreds of millions of validated sentence segments, stored in translation memories in more than 30 languages and as many domains.

Our customers benefit from these achievements in terms of reliability, lead time and, above all, cost. Some of our customers already pay only 30 or 40% of the cost of translating their technical documents.

These productivity and cost gains will further develop with the interconnection of translation memories and neuronal machine translation systems.

Website localization

Website localisation is certainly a necessity of our time, but it is far from being a simple translation, especially if the site is to be used for marketing purposes. It is about making it "familiar" to the foreign reader, as if it had been created in their own language. This is where the term "localization" comes from. It is also a matter of avoiding any allusion or idea that may shock the local reader, and as far as possible borrow from the local language the few expressions that make the site "friendly".  
This is the service that TRADOC provides to its customers.  

Software localization

Software localization is not a translation. This involves adapting the user interface, error messages and the Help system to local terminology. It would thus be inappropriate to use different terms for the same function between a common word processor interface and a new software.

Other constraints are necessary in the localization of software, such as the length of the labels in relation to the space provided and consequently the choice of standard abbreviations in the host country.

Where tags are used in software data, other constraints are placed on the integrity of the tags (XML for example) so as not to make the data file unusable.

And this is where TRADOC's experience and skills are essential to our customers 

Consolidation of translation memories for reuse in LLM models

While your products have evolved over time, your foundation has not changed dramatically. If you produced scanners for twenty years, you will surely continue to produce scanners that are more advanced and more sophisticated, but their basic technology likely remains very similar.

Your user manuals and maintenance manuals obviously reflect this evolution, but the basic terminology and essential functions remain the same. This is why it would not be advisable to lose all this knowledge every time equipment or software evolves.

TRAOC can assist you in putting all this knowledge in a memory, by language, which will serve as a quality repository for new translations and will ensure cost savings and a guarantee of homogeneity over time.